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全球即时:Meet the "Pinocchio" of the animal kingdom, the proboscis monkey in Guangzhou

来源:羊城派 发布时间:2023-06-30 23:21:56


June 29 marks National Science Popularization Day in China. Guangzhou Chimelong Safari Park launched the newborn visit activity of Proboscis Monkey, inviting families to visit the newborn monkey of this special species and unlock the big-nose mystery of this rare animal. At the event, families participated in the cartoon nose DIY of a proboscis monkey.

In addition, the caretaker shared the story of the birth of the newborn proboscis monkey and conducted on-site science Q&A interaction to enhance the public"s knowledge and understanding of this rare species. Guangzhou Chimelong Safari Park is the only wild animal world in the country where people can see the proboscis monkey. Since the successful introduction of the proboscis monkey in 2017, the proboscis monkey has been living happily here for 7 years, and the monkey families continue to grow every year.


6月29日是全国科普行动日。长隆开展长鼻猴新生探访活动,邀请亲子家庭来到广州长隆长鼻猴园,共同探访新生长鼻猴宝宝,解锁长鼻猴大鼻子之谜。活动现场,亲子家庭齐齐参与卡通长鼻猴鼻子DIY,此外,保育员还特别分享了长鼻猴新生宝宝出生的故事,并进行现场科普问答互动,增进大众对珍稀物种长鼻猴的认识和了解。据悉,广州长隆野生动物世界是全国唯一能看到长鼻猴的野生动物世界,自2017年成功引进长鼻猴以来,长鼻猴已经在长隆快乐生活了7年,并且家庭成员每年都在不断发展壮大。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)

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